My love and passion in life are for technology. It envelops our world, our every-day lives, and integrates more and more into what it means to be a human in the 21st century. As our technology grows, we unlock exciting new ways to interact with the world around us. It is the catalyst that makes The impossible - possible! I am enamored by the constant flow of new challenges and new skills to master, I will never stop growing and learning; it's what I love to do!
Some old things I made in the Odin Project.
Most sadly not mobile friendly.
Heres where I give it my all!
this is an example of the in development full stack application I put together to
edit/delete/create data for a live static website.
The Server is done in
Typescript with Node-JS, Passport-JS for handling security strategies on login then Bcrypt and
JsonWebTokens for encryption / security, this is paired with its MongoDB Atlas Database
connection handled via Mongoose.
The web app to edit the clients website data is
made on NextJS in TypeScript, implementing Tailwind for CSS and Redux for state management.
The example website is in the works for a client.
It pulls its data
from the node-js server hosted on DigitalOcean. Portalfi-jbw is a web app for 2 clients i am currently
developing a website for. I made this web application to give them a platform to edit their websites
live data such as events, menu, contact-details... ect.